
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Kent State Massacre


For me, this date will live forever. I suspect for many of those in my generation who were paying attention,  May 4, 1970  will join those dates ever etched in our brains-  November 22, 1963April 4, 1968, June 6, 1968 and so on.

I was in Spain at the time. On my way to University. I was 18 years old.  I passed a kiosk early on the morning of May 5, 1970. One of those kiosks you see where newspapers and chewing gum, cigarettes and lottery tickets are sold-with newspapers clipped on a string by clothespins, like flags on a line. One picture seemed to be on the cover of just about every magazine and newspaper. I looked and looked again because I could tell that boy laying face down and the girl kneeling next to him were American kids. When I read what it was all about, I immediately slipped into a surreal state of horror and shock.  Oh my God, they are shooting peaceful protesters. My life changed for good that day.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young "OHIO" (click)

Vietnam Veterans Against the War
March on the 20th Anniversary of 
The Kent State Massacre

Led by the late Bill Davis, VVAW
1948 - 2007
RIP Soldier of Peace

Vietnam Vets Have Names Added To The Wall (click here)


Soldiers and sailors who survived their wounds or managed to come back to The World  in one piece are entitled to have their names added to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC at the time of their death.

You will never be forgotten. Let your family know of your wishes to be included. Go to the link for the Memorial elsewhere on this page for information on how to go about having your name or the name of a loved one added.

If you served, you deserve a place on The Wall.